Personality Changes and Dementia

Early Signs of Alzheimer’s Lapse in memory that disrupts daily life Challenges solving problems Trouble making plans Mixing up time and places Problems using words in speaking and writing Misplacing things and then not being able to retrace steps to locate Overall decrease in judgement – trouble making decisions Withdrawal from social activities Change in… Continue reading Personality Changes and Dementia

Gift Giving on a Limited Budget

As most of you reading this have discovered by now, growing older is not always cheap!  Even with good financial planning, good insurance and a somewhat good bill of health, there are unexpected things that can come up and break the bank pretty quickly.  Because of this, it can make birthdays and gift giving at other holidays… Continue reading Gift Giving on a Limited Budget

Hydration for the Elderly

The summer months are upon us!  And staying cool and well hydrated become top of mind especially for those in the Southwest.  In recent years fitness gurus have been touting how important hydration is for our health.  Water bottles are now common place.  You’ve probably even seen water bottles for sale in stores or on… Continue reading Hydration for the Elderly

Fitness For Our Golden Years

Are you staying active as you age?  Being physically fit is emphasized as important all throughout our formative years. Schools generally have Physical Education (PE) courses, colleges have gyms and sports teams, women and men of child-bearing age are encouraged to be active and have gym memberships. Much is said about how exercise will make… Continue reading Fitness For Our Golden Years

Assisted Living 5 Reasons Your Loved One Might Consider

Assisted Living and Five Reasons Your Loved One Might Consider Watching our loved-ones age is never an easy process. As they go from being our caregivers, to the ones needing care, we sometimes find ourselves in situations that we were not quite prepared for. It can be a very emotional time, full of difficult decisions.… Continue reading Assisted Living 5 Reasons Your Loved One Might Consider

Benefits of Nutrition During the Aging Process

Eating right is difficult for everyone. This fact does not change with age. As we age, our dietary needs DO change however, along with our lifestyle. It can be increasingly difficult to keep up with these changes, especially when various organizations have such varied opinions about what is healthy and what is unhealthy. Of course,… Continue reading Benefits of Nutrition During the Aging Process

Does Gardening Benefit the Elderly?

Great gardens have provided food and medicine for people since the beginning of time. Gardening as a hobby grows in popularity each year.  Many people of all ages enjoy building, planting and cultivating a garden.  But, are there specific ways that the elderly can benefit from gardening as opposed to other hobbies? Absolutely! Benefit #1:… Continue reading Does Gardening Benefit the Elderly?

Moving to Assisted Living? How to Downsize

Join the Trend Downsizing is one of the most popular trends around the nation right now.  There are as many motivations to downsize our lives as there are lives.  Some downsize in order to move into tiny houses, some downsize in order to simplify their lives, or to allow them more time to travel.  Today… Continue reading Moving to Assisted Living? How to Downsize

Keep Mental Abilities Sharp in the Elderly

Keeping Sharp We all know that cognitive abilities are some of the first things that show signs of aging. Slight bits of forgetfulness, cloudiness of thought, or general confusion could be signs of something more serious than aging, and if you suspect that, the first step would be to get a doctor’s opinion. Whether or… Continue reading Keep Mental Abilities Sharp in the Elderly

Overcoming Loneliness

What is Loneliness? Loneliness is an evasive thing.  People have been studying it for years, especially in elderly adults who seem prone to sadness and isolation.  But, those studies have contradictory data.  Some of them include statistics for people who “feel isolated” while others only study data from people who have been so lonely and… Continue reading Overcoming Loneliness