It’s not an easy subject, but many families have some unresolved conflict that is a black cloud over everyone. As your aging parent or spouse grows older and becomes more frail, a likely a discussion that some in the family are having: “Is this going to be fixed before he or she passes away?” We… Continue reading Resolving Family Conflicts
Enter the Reality of Dementia
If your parent or spouse is showing signs of dementia or Alzheimer’s disease, you’ll notice that their connection to what’s happening today is not as strong as to memories of past times. In the early stages of these diseases, memory loss and confusion may be mild. But as the damage to brain cells progress, some… Continue reading Enter the Reality of Dementia
Choices for Senior Housing
As we grow older, many senior adults also become less independent. The time may come when the senior is not safe living in their home alone, possibly due to the risk of falls, forgetting to take medications, or the inability to maintain proper nutrition. There are many options in Texas for senior housing. And the… Continue reading Choices for Senior Housing
UTIs in the Elderly
Urinary tract infections (UTIs) can be painful. But why do they occur more often in the elderly and cause confusion in some seniors? Why Older Adults? Older adults can be more susceptible to UTIs. As we age, the muscles in the pelvic floor and bladder can weaken, leading to urinary incontinence or retention of urine.… Continue reading UTIs in the Elderly
Medical Alert Systems for Elderly
For the elderly living at home, the threat of a fall or a medical event can be very real. When emergencies happen, you need to be able to call for help. A smartphone or portable landline phone could be helpful but having a medical alert bracelet or necklace is assurance that you can call for… Continue reading Medical Alert Systems for Elderly
Living in a COVID-19 World
Beginning in March 2020, the entire world underwent remarkable changes to our daily lives due to the COVID-19 pandemic. For many elderly residents, it has meant many changes, particularly staying at home to prevent exposure to the virus. Even for those who’ve been vaccinated, the ongoing variants of the virus make some hesitant to be… Continue reading Living in a COVID-19 World
Cause of Alzheimer’s
A significant finding published in late 2021 may offer the probable cause of Alzheimer’s disease. The study was conducted at Curtin University in Australia. And published in the PLOS Biology journal. It identified that a probable cause for the disease was the leakage of blood of fat-carrying particles transporting toxic proteins in the brain. Blood… Continue reading Cause of Alzheimer’s
Welcome Juhree to BeeHive Homes
We are super excited to welcome Juhree Knowles to the BeeHive Homes family as our newest Administrator. She will be directing the wonderful care rendered in our assisted living home in Granbury. Juhree’s love for her family, education, and the senior community can be seen in all she has accomplished. And we look forward to… Continue reading Welcome Juhree to BeeHive Homes
Mindful Meditation for the Elderly
Mindful Meditation Mindful meditation may not be a common practice for many people but it’s one that can have positive benefits for people of all ages, especially the elderly. This mental practice can calm the mind and body, reduce depression and pain, and increase the sense of well-being. Mindful meditation describes a technique of relaxing… Continue reading Mindful Meditation for the Elderly
New Year’s Resolutions for the Elderly
Preparing for a new year is a tradition that means more than just turning the page on a calendar. It’s a time to assess our habits (hence the New Year’s resolutions). For the elderly, it’s an opportunity to celebrate a holiday and to focus on some positive things in life. Top Six Ideas For a… Continue reading New Year’s Resolutions for the Elderly